將待處理空氣經過表冷器,使其溫度降至露點溫度以下,空氣中水分凝結并 順著翅片流出表冷器。然后空氣在 處理風機的作用下,離開表冷器,空 氣溫度降低,達到降溫的目的。
基礎參數 | |
機外余壓 | ≥1500 Pa |
溫度范圍 | 18- -24 ℃ |
Make the process air pass through the surface cooling coil, reduce its temperature to below dewpoint, make the moisture in the air condensation and let the condensable water flow out along the surface of the fin of cooling coil, and air is left the surface of cooling coil by blower. Thus the temperature of air is reduced to get the refrigeration.